Programs & Services

Yorkdale Central School Beliefs

  1. The school has a responsibility to promote the positive values of our society such as respect for self and others, truth and honesty, empathy, responsibility, perseverance and tolerance.
  2. Students have individual cultural and linguistic uniqueness. Individuals are a unique combination of personal characteristics subject to different environmental influences.
  3. Students differ in their interests, personal goals, past experiences, levels of skills and knowledge, rate of learning, and learning styles.
  4. To meet the challenge of the future, we must encourage students to value and pursue learning now and as a life long quest.
  5. Yorkdale Central School is committed to assisting individuals in becoming informed citizens and works to assist students in becoming wise decision-makers who take responsibility for their own choices and actions.
  6. Cooperative efforts will improve students' success.
  7. Learning is an active process which best occurs when students are agents and initiators of their learning and have some say in decisions that affect them.
  8. Involvement, participation and open and effective communication amongst students, parents, staff and community members will enhance and improve students' success.
  9. Students can experience success by working to the best of their ability and completing all assigned tasks.
  10. A safe and positive learning environment is essential for student's success.

Special Features

Our school has several unique and interesting features.

  1. Literacy and numeracy learning and instruction are supported by a developing Professional Learning Community of teachers and stakeholders.
  2. A variety of other technology, including the use of personal devices, is available to all students. We emphasize integrating technology into the curriculum.
  3. There is a vast collection of extracurricular programs in sports, arts and other activities.
  4. A Student Services Program is available to help meet the unique and like needs of all students.
  5. A Guidance Program that offers a wide range of services.
  6. The school is well supported by a progressive School Community Council which meets most months.
  7.  Student voice plays an important part in the school.

Core Curriculum

The program  of studies offered at  Yorkdale Central School provides students with a general education designed to meet their diverse needs and interests. There is a balanced program of academic courses and exploratory experiences.  Active learning and the development of learning skills for the future are emphasized.

The Core Curriculum consists of:

Compulsory Core

· Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health Education, Arts Education & Physical Education

Compulsory Grade 6-8 Supplementary

· Career Education & Practical & Applied Arts

 * Band is an option beginning at Grade 5. 

Textbook Supplies

Textbooks as required by the prescribed curriculum will be distributed by the subject area teachers. The books are then the responsibility of the student.  They must be returned at the end of the year or when a student leaves, in  the appropriate condition.  Students will be assessed a fee for lost or damaged books.  Textbook checks are made periodically during the year.

Student Fees

Students Activity Fees are as follows:

  • Kindergarten $35.00 (includes school supplies)
  • Grades 1-8 $20.00
  • Yearbook (optional) $25.00
  • Band Grade 5 $50.00
  • Band Grade 6-8 $85.00

Incidental Event Fees Cost varies. This may include ski trips, athletics trips, additional bus fees, and field trips.

Lost textbooks or library books are paid pending condition of the book. Full/Two Thirds/One Third Values. 

Use of Class Time/Organizational Skills

The Student:

  1. Comes to class prepared for work.
  2. Demonstrates good work habits.
  3. Uses class time effectively.
  4. Works independently as required.
  5. Keeps his/her materials prepared and organized.

Class Citizenship and Conduct

The Student:

  1. Demonstrates respect for others.
  2. Demonstrates appropriate classroom and school behaviors.
  3. Participates in class activities.
  4. Acts responsibly.
  5. Communicates openly with peers and staff.

Academic Reporting

Be aware that Yorkdale Central School uses out-come based reporting in all reporting. In addition, the school will report on student learning behaviours. Formal reporting occurs annually in November, March and June. That said, parents, guardians and stakeholders are encouraged to connect with staff members on the progress of their children. Grades K-5 teachers are also now using See Saw as a means to communicate learning that is occurring in the classroom.  

Academic Recognition

The School Community Council and students have shared intent to recognize high academic achievers.  Students will be recognized in June with a variety of awards. Honour Roll requires that students achieve "Level 3" in all areas of ELA, Math, Science and Social Students. Students will be recognized as "Distinguished" if they achieve a "Level 4" in at least 25% of the learning outcomes in each of the core subject areas.

Student Evaluation

At YCS both formative and summative assessment are used for the primary purpose of evaluation is to provide information of use to teachers, parents and students in order to find out:

  1. whether or not curriculum content is appropriate
  2. whether or not instructional strategies are working
  3. whether or not resources and materials are useful
  4. whether or not students are successfully developing skills and knowledge

Student evaluation is a continuous process designed to promote success and provide meaningful feedback.  It takes in many areas of the student's daily learning environment.

Report cards are sent home in November, March and June with Student-Led Conferences occurring in the first two terms.  Conferences must include both student and parent(s)/guardian(s). Interim reports can be initiated at any time by parents, teachers, students or the administration.

Student evaluation is based on achievement. To ensure success, students need to attend school regularly. Attendance is monitored closely, and students should be aware that absenteeism can also influence participation in other school events. Other important criteria for success are:


The Student:

  1. Completes assignments on time.
  2. Takes responsibility for completion of work missed.
  3. Strives to produce quality work.
  4. Meets the expectations/requirements of the  assignment.


The Student:

  1. Works cooperatively and respectfully.
  2. Stays on the assigned task.
  3. Contributes effectively.


Students who are not pleased with their level of achievement on an assessment or project are encouraged to work with their teachers on improvement efforts.

Student Services

The Student Services Program

The Student Services Program works to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to learn and succeed. Students who may be experiencing  difficulty  with their program or have a special need of any type will be helped.  We have a two full time teachers involved in the program. Guidance staff, teacher  assistants, and divisional staff such as the psychologist and speech pathologist complete the student support team that works with students, parents and teachers.

The Guidance and Counselling Program

The Guidance and Counseling Program addresses a wide variety of student needs. Topics include home problems, personal counselling, drugs and alcohol, self harm, peer relationships, family life, careers, communication skills and study skills.  The counsellor  is also available to help students new to our school.  Students may make an appointment to see the counsellor at any time during the school year.

Noon Hour Policy

Students who bring lunch to school  will eat lunch in designated areas from 12:00-12:20. Other lunch facilities and services will be available from the school's canteen. Information regarding lunch hour will be communicated to students during the first few days of school. Town students may eat lunch at school. 

All students are expected to behave appropriately during lunch time. Should a concern arise, students may be asked to eat somewhere else for an extended period of time. Town students may be asked to eat at home while parents will be asked to make alternate arrangements for students who use the bus.

As Yorkdale Central is "a closed campus," students must remain on school property during the noon hour. Students are expected to be good citizens of the school and school community during noon hour. They are reminded to respect the property of others and avoid gathering or loitering on private property and not litter.

Students who wish to leave campus must provide sufficient notification, and they must utilized the sign-out and sign-in book at the general office.

MEDICATIONS: From time to time students may require prescribed medication at school.  Parents need to contact YCS to arrange medication distribution at school.

SCHOOL ILLNESS: When a student becomes ill at school, a telephone call will be made to make arrangements. Yorkdale Central does not have sufficient space in the school to house ill students.

Attendance Policy

Daily attendance at school is specified in various education acts and policies.. Consistent attendance is necessary for achievement in school work. Parents are asked to contact the school prior to 9:00 a.m. if their child is going to be absent. If the absence is known in advance, parents are asked to phone or send a note the day before.  Absences not covered by a note or phone call will be considered unexcused.

If it is an unexcused absence, student homes will be notified by the automated Synervoice software. Generally, this will occur between 9:30– 10:00 am daily.

Note:   Students away on any absences are expected  to complete and will be held responsible for any and all work missed.

Consequences for unexcused absences include:

  1. referral to Attendance Officer.
  2. loss of privileges.
  3. Study hall at noon hour
  4. formal written contracts.
  5. involvement of community agencies / Home Liaison personnel.


Students are expected to be prompt and on time in the morning, afternoon, returning to class from both breaks, and for all classes during the day.

There are warning bells before morning and afternoon commencement. At this time, Students are to be in their homerooms with all necessary materials ready to begin learning. :

Students coming to school late must check in at the main office.

Lates will be monitored by the school.  Lates will be classified as either excused or unexcused.  Excused lates include medical appointments, dental appointments and parental confirmed (by telephone, note, or in person) incidental lates.  All other lates will be considered unexcused.  Accumulation of unexcused lates may result in a loss of other school privileges.

The school will assist students with a late problem to change by discussing this with each student, devise a plan for change, provide consequences and/or involve parents to assist the student to correct their late problem.  Student/school plans for correcting lates may include noon detention, contracts, in school and/or other learning alternatives.  Students with recurring or chronic lates will be referred to the attendance officer.

Permission to Leave School

Students leaving the school will need to have a note or phone call from a parent IN ADVANCE. We are unable to allow students to leave without such notification. Students will need to sign out and back in when they return.

Valid reasons to leave school during the day include dental or medical appointments.

Student Behaviour and Discipline

The Yorkdale Central School philosophy regarding student behavior is based on providing a safe and caring environment for students and staff. As detailed by the Safety in the Schools Policy, appropriate student behaviors are expected at all times and concern about behavior-related issues will be communicated to parents and guardians. Care does not presume a lack of discipline. It does presume norms, responsibility, regulations and expectations. The focus is on increasing and recognizing positive and appropriate behavior in students. When our students develop and exhibit self discipline, positive school citizenship and responsibility, they increase their chances for success. The school, in partnership with parents, will  work to develop responsible social and behavior skills.

Yorkdale Central  School's policy on student discipline is administered in accordance with divisional rules governing student conduct and behavior. Inappropriate behaviors such as swearing, fighting, disobedience, intimidation and vandalism are prohibited and will be dealt with in accordance to the school/divisional policies.

The use and possession of drugs and alcohol are prohibited.  Our school and the grounds are "smoke free" places. Students will be suspended from school for possession and or use of tobacco products, alcohol or any other illegal drug, including paraphernalia (lighters, matches, etc.)

Hats, caps, bandanas, hoods and other head coverings are not to be worn in the building. Hats are to be removed upon entering the building and stored in the student's locker until the end of the day.

Students are expected to maintain the type of appearance that is not detrimental to the educational process. Clothing that is deemed inappropriate, and/or advertises drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or any other illegal substance is 

not appropriate. Tube tops, shirts or blouses that expose the midriff are discouraged. When a student's appearance is felt to be detrimental or distracting, he/she will be asked to see the principal and may be asked to change clothing.

​Students should not bring items to school that could distract from the educational process or be a target for theft. This includes cell phones, Ipods, video games, and toys. When students do, the school will not be held responsible for accidental damage to any items. Students are encouraged to use lockers and locks.

Contact YCS Office to view specific details of the Yorkdale Central School Code of Conduct.