Activities & Athletics

School Offerings

Participation and physical fitness are encouraged by Yorkdale Central School. Our school provides numerous activities that are designed to emphasize team work, wellness and life long recreational skills and knowledge. These opportunities range from athletics to clubs and high interest activities. Our athletics programs are supported by some dedicated coaching teachers. These activities are a very important part of our school program and students are encouraged to become actively involved.  

Are you looking to be a part of a successful & winning tradition while remaining focused on academic achievement & the development of social character? Jump aboard the Royals' Express! 

Our community openly recognizes our high caliber athletic programs and the leadership of its committed coaches.

Sports & Athletics Clubs & Activities
Cross Country  Student Leadership (SRC)
Volleyball Noon Intramurals at Grades 3-8
Curling Assemblies & Dances
Basketball Safety Patrol
Badminton Experiences Canada
Track & Field We ACT
Football Canteen & Noon Helpers
Skiing & Snowboarding Drama
  Jazz Band
  Spelling Bee & Geography Clubs
  Chess Club

Timeline Estimates for Activities

September to October- Cross Country

September to November- Volleyball

November to March- Basketball

December & January- Two Downhill Ski Trip

January to March- Curling

March- April- Badminton

April- June- Track & Field

April- June- Gridder Football

Extra Curricular Philosophy

Yorkdale Central School believes that our extra-curricular program provides students with the opportunity for learning that is not available during the regular school day. We highly encourage students to participate responsibly while maintaining a strong commitment to their academic program.

Yorkdale Central School extracurricular program enables students to explore areas of interest, develop leadership, and enhance character. Extracurricular activities are an excellent complement to the learning that occurs during the school day and help in the creation of well-rounded citizens.

Student participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege, not a right. This privilege carries with it responsibilities to the activity, to the student body, to the school, and to the community. When students are participating in activities, they are representatives of the school and are expected to behave according to "Living the Code" that reflects positively on the YCS community.

Extracurricular Activities Load

Extracurricular activities are offered for our students by teachers and community members. Students who join an extracurricular activity are expected to have regular attendance and to participate fully in the activity. Students with poor attendance or who demonstrate lack of commitment in an extra-curricular activity may be asked to withdraw from the activity. They may also not be allowed to join future extracurricular activities. Students are expected to follow the behavior expectations that apply to the school day when they participate in extracurricular activities. The sponsor of the extracurricular activity has the final authority and the right to ask a student not to continue attending if there are violations of behavior expectations. If a student is absent from school during the day, s/he may not participate in any afterschool activities or athletics, including practices, games, tournaments, rehearsals, or productions (unless parents have contacted the school prior).

Eligibility for Participation

Student academic performance is reviewed every day and students that are assigned to the "Two Week Report Card" are ineligible for athletic participation until the student is cleared. Students with a satisfactory academic record will be "cleared" for extra-curricular activities. In order to participate in extra-curricular activities, a student must maintain a satisfactory academic record.

The following criteria will make a student ineligible for extra-curricular activities

  • On Two Week Report Card
  • Poor participation, behavior or lack of commitment in previous activities
  • Serious illness or known injuries
  • Disciplinary Infraction that results in an in-school or out of school suspension

Students who are cleared for participation in a season of extra-curricular activities are subjected to removal from the activity(ies) if the grades decline and meet the ineligibility criteria above. Students ineligible to participate in extra-curricular activities will be able to appeal to the principal. The decision of the principal is final.



Yorkdale Central School believes that participation is for all; however, there are some extenuating circumstances that might not permit students to play. For instance, lack of coaches, roster size, gym availability, resources, etc.

As mentioned prior, YCS students need to adhere to "Living the Code" in regards to behaviour and academic success within the class, recesses/breaks, inter or extra-curricular activities.

Coaches will communicate via meeting, phone, or electronically (email, text, website, etc.) schedules and "the game plan" in regards to gameplay expectations/situations. YCS believes in allowing athletes fair play opportunities; however, there may be certain situations (commitment/dedication, character, seniority, and or game importance) that impact playing time. Coach-player-parent communication is essential to respect the pride and emotions of all parties involved.


Yorkdale Central School wants to provide all students with the opportunity to participate in Fair Play standards with regards to extra-curricular. However, some circumstances will not permit all to participate the same, but an open line of communication must be established to reduce frustrated coaches, players, and parents.